Give Now

Reunions represent a special time when alumni are encouraged to make a stretch commitment above and beyond their ongoing support.

To mark a reunion, many alumni make a larger-than-usual gift to Georgia Tech, while some choose a multi-year annual pledge. Others make a significant capital gift or pledge in addition to their typical annual contribution to Roll Call and/or the Alexander-Tharpe Fund.

One way to do this is to establish an endowment or add to an existing endowment in support of your college or school, or a program that has special meaning to you and your family.

I wish to make the following commitments:

Please include only new (not previously reported) commitments and gifts.

Personal information
Contact Information
A special commitment/gift designated for:
$ per year for
(Maximum of 5 years)
Roll Call/Annual Fund $ per year for:
$ per year
(Maximum of 5 years)
Alexander-Tharpe Fund
$ per year for
(Maximum of 5 years)
My company matches employee gifts and will contribute
$ per year for
(Maximum of 5 years)
I have made a deferred/estate commitment (not previously reported) to Georgia Tech designated for
(A Gift Planning staff member will contact you for additional information to record your gift.)
Human Validation